Guten tag meine freunde! Hello friends! We are a relatively new sub-group of the San Diego German American Societies, and a co-ed adult dance group. You don’t need any experience to join, but you will have opportunities to perform at special events if you learn the routines and wish to be a part of those activities. Depending on the day, the choreography changes, and guests are always welcome.
We have “Sunday Funday” BoogieTanz at 10 a.m. most Sunday mornings at the Club, where our choreographer teaches basic moves of dance classics like the Waltz and Polka. Classes are free and open to all.
Thursday evenings at 6:30 p.m., a group of dancers meets at the Club to learn routines for Karneval, which they end up performing at multiple events throughout the year. Membership dues for performers are $10 per year (due Jan. 1). Guests are welcome at practices and new performers are always wanted – depending on the time of year and Karneval season.
For more information:
- Follow us on Facebook
- Send an email to

2023 Leadership Team
CHAIRPERSON | Niki Battaglia |
TREASURER | Sarah Rothwell |
SECRETARY | Joel Contreras |
[BELOW] The Sunday BoogieTanz dancers performed at Oktoberfest 2023. Here are pictures from that performance, where they danced three original numbers for a crowd of thousands and had lots of fun in the process!

[BELOW] The Garde dance troupe also got into the Oktoberfest 2023 action with a short kick-line and introduction to Karneval season, punctuated by a few group photos. See their Karneval pictures on the Group page.