
Welcome to the online home of the San Diego German American Society! We celebrate German culture and its many colorful traditions through a variety of activities, year-round. Seasonal events are open to people of all ages, interests and abilities and include occasions like Maifest, Oktoberfest, Karneval and a Christmas Market!

We also host a German Theater Group, KinderTanzGruppe (children’s dance group), BoogieTanz Kabaratt (all-ages dance group), Damenkreis (ladies circle), Skat Club afternoons (German card game), a Sunday work team and volunteer opportunities, German language classes and so much more – offering a home away from home to our many members, friends and the community at large. Watch a football (American soccer) game on the big screen, kick off your heels at a News Year’s Party or Anniversary Gala, or meet the Schützen (competitive shooting) crew on Friday evenings.

Come as a member or a guest – there’s truly something for everyone at our Club, and we hope to share some Gemütlichkeit with you.

Upcoming Events

May 17 – Maifest

Details are being finalized for our spring festival and Oktoberfest’s little sister: Maifest! Meet us on Saturday, May 17, between 12 and 7 p.m. for a variety of fun attractions.

Our biergarten will have vendor booths and picnic tables with a kids zone nearby. Two live bands are scheduled to play the event – Germania Blaskapelle and Blue2 Music, and other live entertainment includes choreographed performances by our BoogieTanz and KinderTanz dancers. Enjoy a selection of tasty German food and desserts while drinking traditional Maibowle, seasonal beers and non-alcoholic beverages.

Maifest is fun for all ages, and admission is just $5 per person. Please check back for additional information.

May 21 – Mixer, Meeting & Elections

Join us for our annual Board Elections meeting – this time, planned as a social event to provide you with the opportunity to get to know some of the German American Societies of San Diego subgroups, along with the candidates who are running for open Board positions. The evening will start with a casual Mixer from 5 to 6 p.m. where light food, sandwiches, assorted desserts and drinks will be available for purchase. Our featured food vendor (and purveyor of delicious cheese) is The Raclette Stand!

At 6 p.m., formalities will commence – beginning with Candidate Statements, followed by Membership Reports. After that, it’s time to place your ballots! They will be accepted until 7:30 p.m.

Details about open Board positions, ballots and general voting information is being sent via email to active members. If you haven’t renewed your membership for 2025, please do so today: