
Welcome to the online home of the San Diego German American Society! We celebrate German culture and its many colorful traditions through a variety of activities, year-round. Seasonal events are open to people of all ages, interests and abilities and include occasions like Maifest, Oktoberfest, Karneval and a Christmas Market!

We also host a German Theater Group, KinderTanzGruppe (children’s dance group), BoogieTanz Kabaratt (all-ages dance group), Damenkreis (ladies circle), Skat Club afternoons (German card game), a Sunday work team and volunteer opportunities, German language classes and so much more – offering a home away from home to our many members, friends and the community at large. Watch a football (American soccer) game on the big screen, kick off your heels at a News Year’s Party or Anniversary Gala, or meet the Schützen (competitive shooting) crew on Friday evenings.

Come as a member or a guest – there’s truly something for everyone at our Club, and we hope to share some Gemütlichkeit friendships with you.

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Upcoming Events

Kinder Karnevalsparty: 2/8/25

It’s time for San Diego Kinderkarneval! The adults had their fun. Now it’s time for the Club’s youngest members to take over the hall so they can showcase their 2024-25 performance set, skits, and impressive ballon catching skills. This event starts promptly at 11:11 a.m. at 1017 S. Mollison in El Cajon.

Expect family-friendly music for singing and dancing and a variety of hands-on games with prizes. Food and drinks will be available for purchase.

There is no cost to attend this wild party, and no need to RSVP in advance. Just add the date to your social calendar and plan to be there! Everyone is welcome.

Costumes are encouraged! We encourage all guests to come dressed in their funniest, sassiest or craziest attire and if you can’t think of anything, come as a clown! Prizes will be awarded for the best outfits.

Questions? Contact Club Manager Claudia at manager@germanclubsandiego.org.